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Started Jan 8
From 225 US dollars

Available spots

Service Description

By reuniting with who we once were, acknowledging who we currently are, and by introducing ourselves with who we strive to become, we constructively achieve alignment between our personal and professional lives. This course focuses on an investment strategy of learning the various ways to be the best version of ourselves by enacting transformational behaviors, so that we can compound our efforts into getting the best version out of those we lead. Based upon various theories, this course offers a unique perspective shift compared to what traditional leadership training within our industry has provided in the past. This course incites a self-reflection on morale from multidimensional views; private individual, officer, leader. A leader can and should assist their people in furthering their careers by properly utilizing performance management, discipline, and buy-in theories, but all too often are not trained in the art of their implementation. This course provides the student with an abundance of tools to use to hone their craft. This course will focus on the significance of candidly addressing officer wellness and career enhancement/fulfillment with innovative techniques that serve the student regardless of rank. Students will be tasked with analyzing their own inner circles and how they can impact their effectiveness as leaders and human beings alike. The ability to receive/interpret/utilize constructive criticism has become rare amongst law enforcement leadership. If we form our circles with healthy components, we can extend our reach and effectiveness. The empathetic understanding of the current difficulties faced by officers must be seriously internalized by the leader if they are to be genuine in their efforts. This course helps students with this internalization, to be readily translated into action, therefore avoiding the tragic escalation into THE IVORY TOWER. This ground breaking course is tailored to be beneficial for all ranks of an agency from Patrolman to Chief, both as an officer and a person. While offering the opportunity to reinvent the spirit, the content covered will have you engaged from beginning to end. Captain Thomas Rizzo is one of the profession’s most acclaimed speakers. He has been an inspirational presenter on leadership theories for several years at police academies, universities, symposiums, and most notably for the Command & Leadership Academy based upon the West Point Military Academy.

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Contact Details

Cranbury, NJ, USA

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